24/7 Emergency Services
5 Ways To Spot Water Damage In Your Home
Become a Sleuth
Oftentimes water damage can go unnoticed, especially if the damage is not readily visible. When a washing machine floods or your water heater bursts, you know where the damage is. However, sometimes the clues are not as obvious—you may not realize you even have a problem until it's almost too late. And problems that go unnoticed, or worse, untreated, can lead to bigger problems down the road, aka MOLD. That's why you should pay attention to the signs your house is giving you, and take care of any water damage you notice (or suspect) right away. If you are not sure how you can tell that you have water damage in your home, here are five things to look for:

Cupped, buckled, warped, or lose flooring - When your
subflooring experiences and an excess amount of water due to a flood
or leaking pipes, it can reek havoc with your floors. Tile floors can
loosen without any explanation or noticeable wetness, linoleum floors will
begin to peel and laminate flooring will warp. Luckily damage to wood
floors is a bit easier to spot—if you’re paying attention. When you notice
your wood flooring start to cup, crown, or buckle, that is a telltale sign
that you have a problem.
Photo: Wagner Meters -
Peeling, bubbling and discoloration - If you notice the
paint on your
begin to peel or bubble, or you see stains (yellow, brown, or copper color)
on your
ceiling, you have a water leak. (Check
for tips on how to address water damage on your ceiling.) You will need
to search for the cause of this leak before doing any repairs and before it
causes any further damage.
- A musty odor - A nose knows! For water damage that is hidden from the eyes, the nose comes to the rescue. Have you noticed a musty odor in your home? You may have a moisture problem that needs to be investigated further. It typically means there is mold growth in the home somewhere. You will want to call the professionals and inquire about mold remediation immediately
You see mold - Uh oh! When you see those ugly, little,
discolored, fuzzy spores—you have a problem. Common places mold is found
are: behind appliances, under sinks, around A/C units, windows, and
carpets. If the mold is found on non-porous surfaces, such as glass, tile
and hard plastic you can clean the surface by yourself. However, on walls,
ceiling tiles, and carpeting which are all porous surfaces you will need to
call a professional company such as Dalworth Restoration to perform mold
remediation of your home.
Your water bill has increased - Did your last water bill
cause you to almost have a heart attack?! If you answered "Yes", you may
indeed have a leak somewhere in your home.
You have a couple of choices here, either hire a leak detection company or try and find the source of the leak yourself. One easy way is to locate your water meter (if you are not sure where it is, contact the billing department of your water company), make sure no water is being used in the house, and check the leak indicator to see if it moves. If it moves, chances are you may have a leak. You can also take a meter reading and check back after a couple of hours. If the reading changed, that is also a sign that there's a possible leak.
The next step would be to determine if the leak is inside or outside. To do this, locate your main shut off valve and shut off the water. Read your meter or check the leak indicator (again, make sure that no water is being used inside the house). If the leak indicator stops moving or there is no change in the meter readings, then you have a leak inside of the house. If the leak indicator continues to move or there is a change in the meter readings, then the leak is outside between the meter and the house.
Stay Vigilant
The effect of water damage inside a house is extremely time-sensitive. To avoid any major damage or problems in the future, stay alert. If you suspect or have discovered damage in your home, call the professionals, Dalworth Restoration, immediately.
Dalworth Restoration
When fire, flood or storm damage occurs to your North Texas residential or commercial property, contact Dalworth Restoration—a restoration company you can trust to get the job done professionally and efficiently, to your expectations, satisfaction guaranteed.
Dalworth Restoration
12750 S. Pipeline Rd.
Euless, TX