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Dalworth Restoration Donates 112 Turkeys to Local Food Bank
Thanksgiving is a time of year where for many of us, friends, family, and
food come to mind. We are either hosting the big meal ourselves or we are
traveling to in-laws or relative's houses to partake in the meal (or "meals"
depending on how many parties you are designated to go to). We usually stuff
our bellies full of the glories goodies, find a comfy place to sit and let
that tryptophan do its job. And for most, the turkey is the main attraction.
Sure, there's the dressing, potatoes, casseroles, and desserts, but the turkey
is where it's at. There's deep-fried, roasted, smoked, and even grilled. No
matter how you choose to cook your turkey, it is probably the most important
and symbolic food of the day.
The Not So Lucky
However, what if you were one of the families who couldn't afford the magnificent meal we all dream about and look forward to every November? What if you didn't have enough money to buy that symbolic turkey? Where do you go to give your family that Thanksgiving meal? Well, for many it is the local food bank. That's why when we heard that a food bank close to us was in need of thousands of turkeys, we knew instantly that we had to step in and help.
How Many Turkeys?!
The Community Food Bank of Fort Worth, Texas made a plea on local news that they were trying to feed close to 5000 families for the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday. They did have some turkeys donated already but were still in need of about 3000 more. When our owner, Shane Hobbs heard this plea on the local news that evening, he came to work the next day and immediately put us on turkey patrol. We needed to find a place, being that it was a week before Thanksgiving, that had enough turkeys for us to purchase. Luckily we found a place, and within a couple of hours, we had purchased 112 turkeys.
Thankful For The Opportunity to Give To Those In Need
Once the turkeys were purchased, we then coordinated for a crew to pick up the turkeys and deliver them to the food bank as we followed. When we arrived, everyone working at the food bank was very welcoming and buzzing with energy in preparation for the upcoming holiday. We introduced ourselves to the front desk attendant and she paged the Community Relations Coordinator. When we mentioned that we had 112 turkeys to donate, their eyes grew large and mouths gaped open! Even though 112 wasn't even close to the 3000 they were still needing, to them it was still 112 turkeys - 112 families would have a turkey to eat on this Thanksgiving. After a quick tour of their facility, we were directed to the back entrance where our technicians met us to unload the turkeys.
Thanksgiving 2017 has come and gone. However, as Dalworth Restoration reflects upon the holiday we can smile, knowing that we were able to show support for our community and donate to those in need. And now, we challenge you to do the same! Donate online or visit your local food banks, shelters or other organizations in need of food and supplies for those that cannot afford it themselves, and see how you can help. Although this is the season for giving, remember that many of these individuals and families need food and supplies year-round. Happy Giving!
Dalworth Restoration
When fire, flood or storm damage occurs to your North Texas residential or commercial property, contact Dalworth Restoration—a restoration company you can trust to get the job done professionally and efficiently, to your expectations, satisfaction guaranteed.
Dalworth Restoration
12750 S. Pipeline Rd.
Euless, TX